Top 10 Things to Remember Before Specifying a Data Acquisition Board

1. Does the board have large FIFO buffers to cope with operating system latencies when data loss is unacceptable?

2. Does the company support all popular operating systems and form factors allowing flexibility in system configurations to meet changing requirements?

3. Is the board assembled by a contract manufacturer whose focus is on assembling high reliability boards for numerous customers?

4. Are FPGAs included which allow for customizing functionality, especially the cable interface- can the board be changed to adapt to new requirements?

5. Is customer support provided by engineers who are very knowledgeable of boards and software?

6. Is conformal coating and an industrial Temp version available?

7. Reliability and low noise are largely a result of engineering experience; Is the board designed by engineers with two decades or more of experience?

8. Does the company provide specialty products to fill your needs for unique applications and extraordinary requirements?

9. Is the company successful releasing new products and responding to customers' technical inquiries?

10. If a part becomes obsolete, does the company discontinue the product or modify the board to accept a replacement part?

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